About Us
We’re a community of creative thinkers who are working on innovative projects to create positive impact in the world.

Frontforumfocus was published back in 2020 at the midst of the pandemic to help bring like minded people together through technology to shed a light on issues affecting our society and help solve this issues globally through innovative projects and a podcast to raise-awareness.

The team of frontforumfocus consists of young professionals and experts in the industry who are passionate about positive impact in their industry. We have members across the globe now getting most members in Kenya , United States,India, Philippines , Spain, Uganda etc.
Please check our magazine to learn about our diverse members .

Our projects are mainly focused upon UN SDG's . Some of the topics we have highlighted are climate Action , Industry, Innovation and Infrustructure , Affordable and Clean Energy.
Our podcast has played a crucial role in raising awareness of this projects and partnerships.
We have hosted young professionals as well as experts to talk about their innovations and guide on career paths not forgetting topics such as mental health and more that we are hosting.

What we are best at

Our Services

We educate members about the journey of taking your ideas to the market. F3 is also keen on educating about new technology and their impact .
Our great network sets you to a journey of getting your idea to the next level.
We partner with different companies to market different products to different audiences
We host masterclass events with different companies to raise awareness and educate on key topics on innovation
We do talent search and train interns for different companies and organizations.
Making a dream world reality.